{slide=What is the sliced veneer dimension?}
There is not a single dimension for the sliced veneers , they vary according to the size of the trees. The veneer width is variable as well, depending on the use intended by the customer. Only the reconstituted veneers have the standard dimensions of 2.80m X 0.65m.
{slide=How should the sliced veneers be cleaned?}
Use a clean cloth slightly wet. Cleaning products can corrode the material.
{slide=What are the sliced veneers used for?}
The sliced veneers can be used in furniture, MDF or MDP panels, compensates, doors and floors.
{slide=What are reconstituted sliced veneers ?}
In order to get reconstituted wood, sliced veneers are bonded, this bonding enables creating dimensions and colors previously desired. The manufacturing is performed by cutting the wood in thin veneers which will be pressed and then will be cut again, so the pattern with parallel traces is created.
Av. Governador José Richa, 18414 - Pinheirinho - Curitiba - PR
Fones: (41) 3017-2331 / Fax: (41) 3246-7923
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MDP | MDF | veneers brightness | Decoration
Madera | coating | agglomerate
Decorate | Furniture | Decorated Ambience
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